Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Book Review - Diaper-Free Before 3

Diaper-Free Before 3: The Healthier Way to Toilet Train and Help Your Child Out of Diapers Sooner
by Jill M. Lekovic, M.D.

Rating: 3 1/2 stars post 2 years old, 5 stars pre 2 years old

This book was a breath of fresh air. It is well-written and the recommendations are based on research. There are also stories from her personal experience which make the reading enjoyable.

This is a very convincing book and covers a number of scenarios. I appreciate that it does not promise the moon, but is practical in its expectations.

I think that I will apply this method to my younger daughter. However, it is too late for Katie! There is a (very short) chapter on what to do if your child is older. It is encouraging, saying that this method can by applied to older children, but knowing my daughter, this method won't get me very far. It would be much more useful for someone with (only) a new baby.

Actually, even though the book suggests that you can start potty training when your infant is first sitting, because of it I have been putting my 3-month-old on the potty. She urinates almost every time. I have no idea how she know what to do! I have also caught an entire poop in to the potty, and it is SO much less messy! I can't believe it!

Overall, a very good book when the child is an infant. I absolutely think it should be required reading for new parents. Unfortunately it is not so helpful after the child turns two.

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