Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Big-girl underpants??

We checked out a couple of children's potty books and a DVD from the library. Today Katie decided she wanted to wear big-girl underpants. I guess that's a good thing, but it frazzles me, especially since she didn't poop today. She did great though! I made her wear a pull-up during her nap, but she stayed dry (it probably helped that I bribed her with ice cream.)

I wonder if I should ever make a conscious transition from having her sit on the potty at regulated times. It seems to work so well that I wonder if it's being incorporated into her body's schedule. Our only bogey is the poop: one, two, morning, noon, or night? It's anyone's guess!

Ellie has me a little frustrated. Since we started sitting her on the potty, she's only had a couple of poopy diapers, and those were understandable (in strange settings.) She pooped in her diaper both yesterday and today. She also pooped on the floor both days, between when I picked her up off the potty and when I put the diaper back on. I wonder what the deal is. Could this be caused by teething? She does seen in general a bit irritable and it is the right age. Or maybe she's testing the waters. Whatever it is, I hope this is a short stage.

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