Monday, September 29, 2008

Ellie on the move

Well, Ellie has become a master "mover" over the past few weeks, so I have been holding her less and less. Since most of her potty cues have been physical, a specific squirming, it's been harder to get her to the potty at the right times. We've even had some poop misses in the last couple days. It's been a little discouraging. From what I've read, this "newly mobile" time period in a baby's life often brings an interruption in the potty process. Hopefully it will straighten out as she becomes adjusted to her mobility.

I read about some babies actually crawling to their potties to use them, so I brought her potty to the tile floor in the kitchen and let Ellie play without a diaper. Well, she looked at the potty for a little while, pulled up to a stand on the stove, and peed. So much for that. We'll have to get a bit more creative. Or just wait a while longer.

We did have a successful first "diaper-free" outing, though. Well, not totally diaper-free. I had her in a cloth diaper without a cover and carried her the whole time. We walked up the the post office (about a block and a half) and back, then we stayed in our backyard for a few minutes. I call my mom, and while I was talking to her, I got the feeling that Ellie had to go. So I took off Ellie's pants and diaper and let her pee in the rocks under the gutter drain, then put everything back on. All without my mom noticing! That was a thrilling success!

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