Tuesday, July 29, 2008

New territory

Allowing Katie to call the shots for potty-time is a new experience. I'm slowly building up trust. She's been doing very well for pee, but not so well for poop. I've really given all control over to her. Over the last few days, she's gotten all of the awake pees but only 1 of four poops. The only reason she got that one was because I saw "the look" and was able to startle her sufficiently so that she waited.

I'm so excited to get her out of pull-ups and into real underwear, but it's not going to happen until she can be consistent about poops, too. Poops especially.

Ellie, too, has been doing very well over the past few days. The only "misses" we've had with her are when she's sleeping or when other people are holding her. She seems to have gotten better both at holding it and at telling me she has to go.

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