Saturday, July 26, 2008

Travel successes

We had a really long trip yesterday. Both girls were fantastic. We left home at 4am. Katie got a clean pull-up right before we left, but we just stuck Ellie right in the carseat. Katie had to pee three times on the journey, twice on the airplane and once in the airport. In the airplane, she told me before she had to go, and we made it to the airplane bathroom. I just have to say that airplane bathrooms are probably the worst public bathroom to start in. For parents, anyway. It's actually probably better for the kids because the seat is so small. I wasn't sure how to do it when we got in to the bathroom. I tried to hold her above the toilet so she wouldn't have to touch anything, but she wasn't comfortable enough to go. She started getting a little hysterical, so I finally whipped out some tissues and covered the whole thing, then tried to hold her up as best I could while she peed. What an adventure. The second time was a little bit easier since we were experienced. Two successes on the airplane, hurray!

She also had to go while we were waiting on our layover. Unfortunately because of what was going on I couldn't take her right away so she wet the pull-up. But she did tell us before she went, we just took too long to get her to the bathroom. This is a major success! I can't believe it happened on today, of all days. All the literature says to expect things to be worse during stressful time, like traveling.

By accident, I only brought two diapers for Ellie. I changed one before we got on the first plane and the other at the layover. We got a new bag of diapers right away when we arrived. I tried to have her pee in the bathroom at the airport. She went a little bit, but she didn't have to go very much at that time. When we arrived, she was having pretty bad gas. I set her on a child's potty that my grandmother had, but she didn't poop until that evening when I got her on a Baby Bjorn potty. I don't know if she held it all day, or if she was just having gas without needing to go earlier.

Overall, both girls were amazing on what could have been a very stressful trip.

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