Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Potty Trained - Day 1

Today was the day Katie graduated from pull-ups to "big-kid" underwear all day. It's been 111 days since we began the potty-training process.

Yesterday she was sitting on the couch and said randomly, "My teacher called my underwear a diaper." We have been calling her pull-up underwear, to try to cheat the process, I guess. The thought of underwear without the mess. Well, one of the nursery workers at church must have called it a diaper. So from that point on, except at night, she's been wearing big-kid underwear.

It's a good thing (I have to keep reminding myself of that,) since it's directed by her and a necessary step in the process. It does keep me on my toes all day!

My key to sanity is having her wear jeans and socks. I am so thankful that my aunt just sent a batch of my cousin's clothes - with two new sets of jeans for Katie! Yay! She loves new clothes, and so will gladly wear them even though it's still pretty warm outside.

Yesterday she had one accident, but today was accident-free. Hooray! It's all very exciting, but I wonder when I will consider the process actually completed. I'm not really ready to rest until then.

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